A safe and harmless bird deterrent system

When birds set up home on top of roofs they can cause major problems. The roof damage caused by nesting birds can be extensive and the problems start as soon as they settle in.

Birds naturally leave acidic droppings, and if they are not removed they gradually destroy the shingles and sheathing by slowly eating through them. This causes the inevitable disintegration of the roof and eventually the formation of potentially damaging and costly leaks.

Birds really know how to set up home. They construct nests from twigs and other forms of natural debris in the drains and gutters and cause dangerous blockages. Without a fully operational guttering system, your roof cannot efficiently direct water to the drains, which causes a host of issues including standing water.

Bird’s nests also present other dangers. When they are built close to electrical wires and inside air vents they do not only become a serious fire hazard but they can block the flow of clean air and cause contamination issues which pose a threat to people’s health.

As steeplejacks we specialise in delivering safe and effective high rise access solutions, including bird proofing services across Coventry. We understand that our customers need to safely remove the birds from their commercial and domestic properties without causing them any harm.

We are dedicated to responsible practise, and the Avishock system is the UK’s first electric bird deterrent system and enables comprehensive bird management. The system has been subject to trials at the Government’s Central Science Laboratories and the results have definitively shown that the system causes no harm to the birds and deters them from returning to the site over a lengthy period of time.

Along with the Avishock system we can also provide debris netting for the exterior areas of buildings that have sustained damage or are in serious decline. This keeps any falling debris firmly contained and protects the pedestrians passing at the base of your building. Our high quality, responsible bird proofing will clear your roof in the safest way possible for the birds and maintain its condition.