Protecting properties from the threat of lightning

The damage caused by electrical storms in the UK in the last two years has led to an increase in awareness of the importance of lightning protection. Despite the fact that lightning is the weather condition that presents the greatest danger to people and properties, it is often overlooked as a threat. To maximise safety, it should be monitored and tackled with effective preventative measures.

Taking precautionary measures can ensure that your property and the people and electrical appliances inside are protected should lightning ever strike. There appears to be a certain amount of confusion surrounding lightning and its capacity to cause damage. A direct strike can result in a building fire, but it is also important to remember that a building does not have to be hit to be severely damaged. Very tall structures such as steeples, churches with spires, structural steel buildings, reinforced concrete structure and metal buildings are particularly vulnerable.

The unpredictability of lightning means that preventative measures have to be put in place to ensure properties are adequately protected in the event of a storm. The damage caused by lightning can be devastating and result in major expense. The fundamental aim of protection systems is to provide a means in which the lightning’s discharge can enter the earth without damaging anything it comes into contact with. When lightning follows a path with a relatively high electrical resistance, the heat and mechanical forces that are generated are the causes of the actual damage.

As specialists in the installation, testing and maintenance of Coventry lightning protection systems, we can help you equip your property with the finest safeguards against the threat of a storm. We provide effective systems that intercept the lightning discharge and direct the current harmlessly to earth. Our customers know they can always rely on our ability to put the right correction systems in place for their properties.